Registration form

Please, use only English to fill out the form.

In order to set up your VPN connection, we would need your certificate signing request. Use openssl to create it:

openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout your_private_key.key -out you_certificate_request.csr
Please pay attention to email address and common name you use in your CSR — email must be equal to POC email you supply in this form; common name must be equal to Team Name you supply in this form.

After creating .csr file please attach it to the registration form and remember to store your .key file in a safe place, you will need it to connect to VPN.

If you wish to supply your PGP public key, please, send it to the keyserver and provide your key id in the registration form.

Logo with dimensions 64x64px works best. Otherwise we'll scale it, and it may look not the way you expect.

It is highly recommended to sign up to our Google Group to be in touch with the latest news.
